Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Paternity Leave
I will be going on Paternity Leave for 10 school days starting very soon. When I will be leaving is unknown, but will most likely be sometime during the week of Nov 28th. Mr. Rathman and Mr. McGill will be taking over my classes during this time. You can expect a delay in grade updates to skyward until I'm back and have time to sort things out. If you have any questions for me I am still reachable by email. I appreciate your flexibility and understanding.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences are being held this week Thursday (2-4, 5-8:30) and Friday (8 - 11:30). I will not be available on the Thursday evening. If you cannot make it during any of the times I am here, I'll be available any other night this week by appointment. Please email me to set something up.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Marsh Tower Physics
Today our Physics class took a field trip to the marsh tower to get some experimental data on objects in free fall. According to our calculations, physics is AWESOME!
Monday, October 31, 2011
The first quarter comes to an end on Friday 11/4. All late assignments need to be turned in by 3:00 pm Thursday 11/3. Thank you.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Trees for Tomorrow
Once again the Sheboygan County Conservation Association is sponsoring three tenth graders to go to Trees for Tomorrow Camp from November 6th - 9th. This is a GREAT opportunity to learn about natural resources and get hands-on experience in the beautiful setting of Eagle River, WI. Activities include: tree ID, GPS, hike in the porcupine mountains, survival skills, and much more. If interested see Mr. Moore ASAP. For more information check out their website at:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Welcome Back Resorters!
I hope you've had an enjoyable and relaxing summer and are coming back ready to learn. Check my website frequently for updates and weekly lesson plans.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Congratulations Graduates!
To all of this year's graduates, I congratulate you on finishing high school and wish you luck in your future endeavors. To all students coming back next year, enjoy your summer, relax, and come back in the fall ready to work hard in your science classes. See you in a couple months!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Early Morning Bird Watching
Join me for an early morning bird walk on Wednesday May 25 at 6:00am. Meet at the marsh tower and bring a pair of binoculars if you can. The bird diversity on the walks has been very good this year with lots of opportunities to improve your bird identifying abilities. Our trip yesterday (May 20) was highlighted with a nice look at a male scarlet tanager (pictured above). The forecast is pretty chilly for wednesday so be prepared.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Rise and shine! Have you ever wanted to get outside at sunrise and walk around in the morning chill with Mr. Moore while he freaks out over every bird he sees? Well your chance has arrived. Early morning bird walks will be starting soon. With our late spring this year, there aren't a whole lot of migrants back yet, but they'll be coming soon. So get your binoculars polished up and the coffee brewing. We will meet at the Sheboygan Marsh Tower on designated days around 6:00am. All transportation is on your own, this is not an official school field trip, so get your rides figured out ahead of time.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Lake Sturgeon Spawning in the Wolf River
It's that time of year again when the Lake Sturgeon start their upstream trek to the Shiocton and Shawno areas to spawn. As of today it doesn't seem there is a lot of activity, but based on the forecasted warmup and historical behavior, they should be congregating by mid to late next week (April 27 - 30). If it stays cool, that will be pushed back a little into early May. Check the DNR website below for more information.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Last Call For Missing Work
The third quarter ends on Wednesday March 30th. Any late work not turned in by 3:00pm on Wednesday will be a zero.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Enthalpy Lab
ΔHmet = ΔHcal + ΔHwat
All trials for the enthalpy lab need to be completed by the end of the day on Friday 2/11. You can come in before school, after school or during study halls (if OK'd by me) to complete your trials if you aren't able to get 3 different metals within 10% error during class. Keep careful track of all your data as your lab reports will be due on Monday 2/21.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Open House - Thursday Feb. 3rd (5:00pm - 7:00pm)
Come check out my room during the ELGHS Open House and see a demonstration of some Vernier lab technology being used with a Promethean board.
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